Fitness Newsletter

With summer almost over I hope all members have had a good holiday. I am sure the gym will become more utilised during the autumn months. The new weights and kettlebells have now arrived and they really are a welcome addition and offer a more varied workout in the gym. If you are unsure of the most effective method of using this new kit then please get in touch.
Circuit Training Classes
Are you  bored with your current workout or lacking a little motivation? Or you want to get more out of the machines and your time in the gym? - Then why not sign up for the Circuit Training Classes which will take place in the gym.

The classes every Thursday at the same time of 20.15-21.15 and every Saturday 10:30-11:15. The cost is just £3 per session and is run as a drop in class, no booking required, just turn up and see how you get on. For more information or to confirm attendance please leave you name and number at reception and I will call you back.
Teen Gym
The Teen gym which runs for our younger members 13-15 years of age is a great way to help keep fit and improve fitness levels for the chosen sport you may play. There are several sessions each week and anyone interested should enquire at reception.
As we are a non profit making club and subscriptions are reinvested in the facilities please feel free and confident to highlight any suggestions you may have to improve the facilities you currently enjoy. Although we operate within a stringent budget to maintain subscription levies as low as possible all suggestions will be seriously evaluated.
I look forward to seeing you all pounding the treadmills or pushing the weights in the coming months.
Kind regards
James Dare.