Strathgryffe X Fit

The annual Strathgryffe X fit was recently held at Stathgryffe Tennis and Squash club Fitness centre. The event is proving increasingly popular. A mix of 10 fitness exercises combining cardio vascular fitness and muscular endurance. The event incorporated a 1500m row, 50 press ups , 1 mile run, 50 sit ups, 40 bench press, 50 box jumps ,2.5 mile bike ride, 50 dumbbell clean and press, 40 chest press reps and 25 Squat thrust Burpees. A great achievement to all who competed, for just completing the event. The Men’s winner was James Ferguson Jnr and runner up was John Hay and the Ladies open winner was Ann Eadie and the runner up was Sophie Dunlop. There was also an over 45 category and the men’s O45 winner was Marcus Robertson and the ladies O45 winner was Caroline Eadie. If you feel the above list of exercises seems like a daunting task then why not come try the circuit classes on Thursday at 20:15 or Saturday at 10:30 with an aim of competing next year. The cost is just £3 and attendance is an adhoc basis.
Stathgryffe X Fit 2014 Results
 MENS Open
James Ferguson Jnr – 30m 53 secs
John Hay – 30m 58secs
Marcus Robertson – 31m 39 secs
Alan Stewart 32m 12 secs
James Ferguson Snr – 32m 12 secs
Struan Grant – 32m 29secs
Tom Hay- 34m 45 secs
Peter Russell- 36m 39secs
Gus Munro – 36m 40secs
Steven Mitchell- 41m 56 secs
Mens O45
Marcus Robertson – 31m 39 secs
Alan Stewart 32m 12 secs
James Ferguson Snr – 32m 12 secs
Gary Mcilree- 34m 18secs
Colin Jackson- 35m 42 secs
Peter Russell- 36m 39secs
David Bird- 37m 51 secs
Ron Baron – 46m 55 secs
Ladies Open
Ann Eadie – 30m 04 secs
Sophie Dunlop- 30m 45 secs
Caroline Eadie- 32m 31 secs
Susan Farr- 32m 43 secs
Alison Fraser- 36 m 10 secs
Jacky Anderson- 36m 10 secs