Potential New Offering

Sports Massage Clinic
We have been approached with a proposal to hold a monthly Sports massage clinic at the club by a qualified practitioner who would really value your feedback and thoughts on the idea to gauge the level of demand for such a service.

A word about Sports massage
Sports massage uses remedial techniques in sequences specifically designed for the athlete in a pre-event, inter-event or post-event situation.  It is aimed at treating injuries and various conditions such as tennis or golfer’s elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, sprained ankle or tendinitis. Sports massage can effectively help

Reduce muscle spasm and pain associated with injuries
Increase range of movement
Restore imbalances
Enhance performance
Speed recovery
Reduce the risk of re-injury
Each session will last 30 minutes to one hour and cost £15 to £30. This will include a short consultation, a treatment tailored to your needs and advice on suitable stretches and strengthening exercises.

Please email Chantal directly any comments and questions at [email protected] or call her on 07742 525 022. If you would like to find out more about this, you can visit her website at www.chantalpiret.com